About Us

Substitute on Call (SOC) is a new up and coming business established in September of 2015 in Jacksonville, Florida to serve Charter and Private Schools.


How We Got Started

A story to explain our formation: My wife was the HR / Business Manager employed at a Charter School. When we both would get home after long, hard days at work, I would often ask her how her day went, and most times she would respond that she was assigned to a classroom because a number of Teachers were out and she would go on to explain how this would really put her behind in her daily duties. This would happen frequently.  Being the great husband that I am, I decided to contact the School District to gather the name of the company utilized for substitute teachers. To my surprise, I was informed of an exclusive contract with a company set up to only service public schools with no provision to support Charter or Private schools. Both of these school types were responsible for finding their own substitute teachers. So, with the start of the next school year, we decided to solve this challenge. This is the reason SOC was formed.



Our mission is to be your partner of choice when you need qualified support in a timely manner. We provide best in class, experienced professionals ready to step in to fill any voids your school or business may have with a goal to exceed all expectations. We understand your needs and have put together a strong team, ready and able to come through in a pinch.